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About SAC


The Perth School Advisory Council’s vision is to build an inclusive community at our school. We want Perth to be a place where everyone is expected and cared for so they can learn and grow with dignity. We do this by working with parents, caregivers, staff and the surrounding and wider community collaboratively and with respect to support this mandate. In order to do this effectively and equitably, we apply an anti-oppressive lens to our decision-making and work, and focus our efforts on students and families who are most impacted by systems of oppression.


2022–2023 Perth School Advisory Council


Laeticia Diniz


Tugce Sahin


Jessica McQuoid



Bilqis Williams



Community rep


Waheeda Khan-Fitzpatrick


Teacher representative

Mallory Bey


Perth School Advisory Council Mandate


The Perth School Advisory Council, or SAC, is an excellent way for parents to get involved in their child’s education. The Ministry of Education regulations state that the purpose of school councils is to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.


Our school’s advisory council is an important forum for involving all members of the school community in issues that affect the education of students. The council is made up of a volunteer committee of parents, staff representatives, the principal, and a general membership that includes all parents/caregivers of children attending Perth. The council advises the principal on a variety of issues and activities relating to student achievement, curriculum goals and priorities, school budget priorities, school safety, renovation plans, after-school activities and fundraising. All parents/caregivers at Perth are also welcome to attend our virtual parent council meetings.



Please click through to view the bylaws that the Perth School Advisory Council follows.




School Statement of Needs

Please read the Perth Ave. JPS 2021–2022 School Statement of Needs Click here

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